The future of distance learning in the post-pandemic era

Schools were one of the first entities to shut down amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As March approached, most nations of the globe were in lockdown, and the earliest affected included educational institutes. A loss for one product usually yields a good result for someone else which was distance learning. While the shutting down of the educational institute’s physical premises was a loss, the subsequent months show there is life without the traditional educational model.

Online tutoring and distance learning, which was becoming immensely popular amongst the masses over the last decade has seen a windfall due to the pandemic. E-learning as a business is estimated to gross over 300 billion dollars by 2025. The scale of the operations islarge, and numerous companies have already started taking advantage of the new trends. Video platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet have seen their fortunes rise exponentially.

16 Distance Learning Hacks for Students

Online teaching as a new norm

While it may have slipped under the radar due to various reasons, online teaching has become somewhat of a necessity. Like all other needs that are a direct result of a certain situation, tutoring websites and virtual tutors are here to stay. Online teaching models have surely gained momentum, and this pace has only increased since the pandemic hit early 2020. It has also opened an array of employment as more and more people can find jobs as a tutor on any of the online tutor services platforms.

Online tutor services

Tutoring websites such as provide an excellent platform for students as well as their parents for a hassle-free learning environment. The site has tutors of English as well as school tutors who are well-versed with tutoring maths. Moreover, it has the added diversity of offering preparation for standard examinations such as IELTS, and SAT.’s motto is to bring the class to your house. It does this by providing tailored online teaching classes suited for each individual.

The lure of technology – AR/VR

With the world moving at a rapid pace towards increasing tech-innovations, no field remains untouched. Education has and will also benefit from these innovations as the terminology ‘Virtual Reality’ and ‘Augmented Reality’ aim to enhance the learner’s experience. These technologies offer a realistic and more immersive experience for kids to learn as if they are present in the actual situation. Imagining abstract things will be a thing of the past, thanks to this latest technological improvement.

Conclusion – Distance learning is here to stay

In conclusion, distance learning has long tried to shake the traditional model of teaching. Still, the recent events, especially the pandemic, may help it gain a strong foothold in the education market. The pandemic has changed the dynamics of every field, be it sports, education, or remote work.

The changes that usually required decades to happen have seen accelerated response due to the imminent threat of the pandemic. With newer teaching pedagogies and technological innovations as well as changing learning patterns; the flexibility afforded by distance learning may stay long after the virus has subsided. Online teaching can rightly be said to be at the center of future learning methods.